Simon User Guide
New/Edit Service Window
The New Service and Edit Service windows. This window is typically accessed via the Services window when the FileNew Service... or File
Edit Service... menu commands or the corresponding toolbar buttons are chosen.
This window is divided into four sections. Below is a brief description of each; click on the section name or "tell me more" link for more information about each:
Name: The top section only includes a field where you can name this service. Enter any name that has meaning for you; it is used for display only.
Service Kind: Choose the service plug-in from this pop-up menu. Simon uses plug-ins to provide the actual checking functionality, allowing greater flexibility and expandability. When you choose a service kind from this menu, the fields below change accordingly. [Tell me more....]
Automatically Pause Service: This feature allows you to suspend checking all tests that use this kind of service on specified days (or any day) and times. Normally you'd probably want to auto-pause a test instead, but this is a quick way to pause a kind of service for many tests. [Tell me more....]
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