Simon User Guide

New/Edit Service > Service Kind > Variables

This is the list of variables. Variables are markers in the text that are replaced by another value when the service is used. The variable name should not contain any spaces, and should be enclosed by braces, e.g. {TestChangeText}. They are used by the Script service plug-in, and will be available for relevant future plug-ins too.

AppDataPathFull path to Simon's data folder (useful for scripts).
AppLanguageLanguage currently used by Simon, based on the the available localizations.
AppNameName of the application, i.e. "Simon".
AppReleaseRelease number of the Simon version being used.
AppURLURL of the Simon product page.
AppVersionVersion number of the Simon release being used.
CheckDateDate that the test was checked, in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
CheckDateShortDate that the test was checked, in the form YYYYMMDD.
CheckTimeTime that the test was checked, in the form HH:MM:SS.
CheckTimeShortTime that the test was checked, in the form HHMMSS.
ServiceNameName of the service for the test.
ServiceKindName of the service plug-in.
TestChangeCountNumber of times the test has changed; starts at 1 for a change, and increments for each subsequent consecutive change. Resets when a change occurs after a failure or no change.
TestChangeDifferenceWithHTMLThe difference between the previous time Simon saw the page and this time, via the Smart Change Detection feature; HTML tags are included.
TestChangeDifferenceWithoutHTMLThe difference between the previous time Simon saw the page and this time, via the Smart Change Detection feature; HTML tags are stripped out.
TestChangeTextThe source of the page (or script output) between the Smart Change Detection start and end text, used to detect changes.
TestFailureCountNumber of times the test has had errors; starts at 1 for a new failure, and increments for each subsequent consecutive error. Resets when the the next failure occurs after being in success.
TestLastChangeDateDate that the test most recently changed - today if a change just occurred.
TestLastChangeTimeTime of day that the test most recently changed - now if a change just occurred.
TestLastCheckDateDate when the test was last checked.
TestLastCheckTimeTime of day when the test was last checked.
TestLastErrorThe previous error message that occurred.
TestLastEventDateDate when a change, failure, or recovery last occurred.
TestLastEventTimeTime of day when a change, failure, or recovery last occurred.
TestLastFailureDateDate that the test most recently failed.
TestLastFailureTimeTime of day that the test most recently failed.
TestLastRecoveryDateDate that the test last recovered from a failure.
TestLastRecoveryTimeTime that the test last recovered from a failure.
TestNameName of the test that is using this service.
TestNextCheckDateDate when the test is next scheduled to be checked.
TestNextCheckTimeTime of day when the test is next scheduled to be checked.
TestPasswordPassword entered in the Security section of the New / Edit Test window.
TestRecoveryCountNumber of times a check succeeded after a failure; starts at 1 when first recovering, and increments for each subsequent successful check. Resets when the next recovery after a failure occurs.
TestStatusExactStatus of the test, including an indication of how long it has been in that state.
TestStatusPhraseStatus of the test as a phrase, e.g. just failed, recently recovered, etc.
TestStatusTypeStatus of the test, e.g. Failure, Recovery, Change, Unchanged, etc.
TestURLURL for the test that is using this service.
TestUsernameUsername entered in the Security section of the New / Edit Test window.
UserComputerName of the computer running Simon, as entered in the System Preferences.
UserNameName of the person logged in on the computer running Simon.

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