Simon User Guide
New/Edit ServiceService Kind
Ping Plug-in
This is the Ping plug-in. This is displayed when you choose Ping in the Service Kind pop-up menu in the New / Edit Service window.
This plug-in is used by the default Ping service. It will send multiple queries to a remote server to make sure it is reliably available and responsive. [Tell me more....]
Domain or IP address: Enter a default domain name or IP address to ping, or leave it blank.
Send: Enter the default number of packets to send. Sending multiple packets improves the reliability of the check, as it is more likely to detect network unreliability. Each packet is sent one second apart, so this is the total time to perform the check. The default is 10 packets.
Failure If: Any time more than: A failure is reported if the maximum round-trip time for any of the packets is more than this time, expressed in milliseconds.
Failure If: Packet loss over: A failure is reported if more than this percentage of packets is lost in transit, i.e. is sent but not received back.
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